9 Mart 2025
Kuzey Kivu: FARDC ve M23 arasında sıkışmış siviller. DRC'nin Lubero bölgesinde, binlerce insan yoğun çatışmalardan kaçıyor. Tanıklıkları ve görüntüleri aracılığıyla sakinlerin günlük yaşamlarına dair bir konu
Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti'ndeki muhalefet, Cumhurbaşkanı Félix Tshisekedi'nin önerdiği anayasa değişikliğine karşı birleşiyor; anayasal hakları savunmak için gösteriler bekleniyor
Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti'nde başarısız darbe girişimine katıldıkları gerekçesiyle idam cezasına çarptırılan 37 kişi arasında üç ABD vatandaşı da var
Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti hükümeti, hapishaneden kaçma girişiminde 129 kişinin öldürüldüğünü söyledi
GOMA_DRC: Ruanda/DRC arasındaki bariyerde bir olay. Wazalendo, Ruanda'ya girmek isteyerek mermiler attı ancak kendileri geri çekildi. Sadece tarafsız bölgeyi geçtiler.6 ay önce
GOMA_DRC: Ruanda/DRC arasındaki bariyerde bir olay. Wazalendo, Ruanda'ya girmek isteyerek mermiler attı ancak kendileri geri çekildi. Sadece tarafsız bölgeyi geçtiler.
6 ay önce
Congo - Arrest in Beni of 31 people suspected of belonging to the Islamic State, including many foreigners, among them Tanzanians and Kenyans
DR Congo: 548 people have died from monkeypox in the country since the beginning of this year
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti'nde ortaya çıkan ve komşu ülkelere de yayılan salgının ardından mpox'u küresel halk sağlığı acil durumu ilan etti
NK_RDC: NYATURA'dan General IGNACE SAULI DUNIA, Sake'de asker seferber ederek onlara MUTUTSI NI ADUI (TUTSI DÜŞMANDIR) hatırlatmaya devam ediyor. Aynı General, Ekim 2023'te TUTSİ'NİN RUANDA'DAKİ SONUNA KADAR SİLAHLARIMIZI BIRAKACAĞIZ demişti.6 ay önce
NK_RDC: NYATURA'dan General IGNACE SAULI DUNIA, Sake'de asker seferber ederek onlara "MUTUTSI NI ADUI" (TUTSI DÜŞMANDIR) hatırlatmaya devam ediyor. Aynı General, Ekim 2023'te "TUTSİ'NİN RUANDA'DAKİ SONUNA KADAR SİLAHLARIMIZI BIRAKACAĞIZ" demişti.
6 ay önce
DRC - Zambia: The two countries have just reopened their border, after resolving a trade dispute which had led Zambia to close its border
Right now the City of GOMA and the rural districts of Nyiragongo on its edge are experiencing insecurity they have never known because of the active presence of the Wazalendo. Fdlr. and the military gathered there without any support. Demonstrations are degenerating everywhere6 ay önce
Right now the City of GOMA and the rural districts of Nyiragongo on its edge are experiencing insecurity they have never known because of the active presence of the Wazalendo. Fdlr. and the military gathered there without any support. Demonstrations are degenerating everywhere
DRC/Rwanda: according to the US State Department, the ceasefire between Kinshasa and Kigali is of indefinite duration. Further de-escalation measures will follow. Washington supports the ad hoc verification mechanism led by Angola. On the ground, the M23 is making progress
The @URDPC_CODECO_OF in full parade in DJUGU. The activity was well supported by the authorities of the state of siege. CODECO is the militia most active in systematic attacks against the HEMAS. Recently, @BasaZukpa PP from the Group was invited to Kin7 ay önce
The @URDPC_CODECO_OF in full parade in DJUGU. The activity was well supported by the authorities of the state of siege. CODECO is the militia most active in systematic attacks against the HEMAS. Recently, @BasaZukpa PP from the Group was invited to Kin
Tchomia: Information from consistent sources received at the AMANI ITURI Platform Office indicates the presence of General mzalendo KASEREKA_KABIDO among the @URDPC_CODECO_OF working on the coast of Lake Albert7 ay önce
Tchomia: Information from consistent sources received at the AMANI ITURI Platform Office indicates the presence of General mzalendo KASEREKA_KABIDO among the @URDPC_CODECO_OF working on the coast of Lake Albert
The United States welcomes the two-week humanitarian truce committed to by the parties to the conflict in eastern DRC. We reaffirm our support for regional diplomatic efforts to find the way to permanent solutions and a lasting peace
8 ay önce
The South African Defense Forces announces a mortar attack on one of its bases in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
3 people killed in the clashes between armed men, identified as soldiers, and top politician’s guards. It was not clear if they were trying to arrest the politician - Vital Kamerhe, a federal legislator and former vice prime minister who is a candidate for speaker of the National Assembly of Congo in an election that had been scheduled to be held on Saturday but was delayed due to a dispute within the ruling party
Gunfire heard in Congo’s capital Kinshasa near the president's office: AP
The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has sent a formal notice to Apple accusing the tech giant of using "illegally exploited" minerals extracted from the country's embattled east in its products, lawyers representing the African country said Thursday
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken spoke with former Kenyan President Kenyatta about the conflict in eastern DRC and the importance of providing a pathway to reconciliation with armed groups. The Nairobi process and the assistance of regional leaders are vital to resolving the conflict
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 5.4 - 178 km SE of Kabalo, Democratic Republic of the Congo
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 192 km NNE of Kindu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
1 yıl önce
At least 48 people have been killed in a crackdown on an anti-UN protest in eastern DR Congo, according to local sources and official documentation seen by AFP on Thursday
1 yıl önce
48 killed in eastern DR Congo anti-UN rally crackdown: sources
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 29 km NNW of Ntungamo, Uganda
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - Lake Edward region, Congo-Uganda
1 yıl önce
ISIS takes credit for bloody week of attacks targeting "Christian" civilians in DRC, with 3 claims for significant strikes on villages in North Kivu from March 8-12. ISIS reported more than 85 killed. Local authorities confirmed uptick+heavy casualties
2 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 10 km S of Bundibugyo, Uganda
2 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 105 km WNW of Sake, Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 yıl önce
ISIS has claimed responsibility for a Feb. 9 clash with a Ugandan army patrol near the town of Mwalika in the North Kivu Province of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)